So I’m guessing you’ve found your way here through a recommendation? Or perhaps you stumbled across my Instagram page (which needs some work, I know!). Either way you have found me, I’d like to say a huge big thank you. You have probably heard that I’m not taking on any new clients and I really wanted to have my say and explain why.
Honestly, saying no to potential clients kind of goes against the grain. Picture this: pre-2020, I was on the hamster wheel working insane hours, leaving home at sunrise and stumbling back in like a zombie at 7 pm. Clients were happy, but I was MISERABLE. I had no work/life balance, no time or energy to see my friends/family and I was not a fun person to live with. It hit me – I had to change something……so boundaries were set, late-night work sessions were banished, and Saturdays became sacred. Fast forward to today, and my calendar is booked out three to four months ahead. Trying to cram more in now is like attempting to devour a whole strawberry trifle after a massive Sunday roast – pretty uncomfortable, not enjoyable and would probably ensure you’d be good for nothing afterwards! (although I’ve tried many a time…). If I said yes to every new client that contacts me, I would be back to working 70+ hours a week and no one more than me wants that!
Some suggest getting extra help, but my work is pretty personal and it's tough to hand it off. I’m a control freak and quite frankly I’m not sure if it would make much difference. I get it might be disappointing, especially if you're connected through friends, family or existing clients. Unfortunately even personal ties wont create openings in my schedule.
Saying no isn't easy, but I'm grateful for your understanding. If you'd like a heads up when my schedule opens up again, please send me an email and I will add you to my waitlist. I can’t guarantee it’s going to be anytime soon, if ever to be honest so if you’d like alternative recommendations then please let me know.
For those of you still reading, I hope this eases your mind a bit and explains a little my reasoning. I do feel very fortunate to be in this position when so many do struggle and I count my blessings for the security that such a demand brings.